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This is, to me, another aspect of the diversity of the ecosystem @k00b was talking about -- a couple brilliant-but-fickle types can really add a lot, but that's not the only type you need, and shouldn't be the main one. They're like a really strong flavor to be used judiciously.
It's even more interesting when you zoom out and think of this not as a skillset (e.g., programming and the like) but as a mental configuration. What distribution of types of people are most effective, collectively? In the big companies I worked for it was never really possible to think in these ecological terms, but in one of the small ones we sort of did, and I was very aware when hiring myself. A good mix of personality types can be more important in a complex environment than the more measurable skills.
It's even more interesting when you zoom out and think of this not as a skillset (e.g., programming and the like) but as a mental configuration.
My dad puts it this way: "You need two of every animal or else it's a boring zoo."
In other words it is wise to understand, celebrate and optimize our differences for the higher good.
That's an awesome line -- your dad sounds like an interesting guy :)
interesting guy
If only you knew...
[He exhibited] the sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament.