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Thanks to those (@BlokchainB & @MaxAWebster) who suggested I try replit, I am finally getting serious again about learning to code python.
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  1. Mimo app
  2. GitHub
  3. replit
Join along with a really cool 100 day python journey! ➡️ https://replit.com/learn/100-days-of-python
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Help me figure out with python environment to learn, there are so many options I'm wasting too much time when I should just be getting started. (TBH that's a benefit of replit.com, you spend ZERO time setting up the learning environment unlike other courses.) However, I want to push my code to GitHub to track my progress in a repo... I was thinking Visual Studio Code because of it's integration with GitHub and project management.
It's between:
  1. IDLE
  2. PyCharm
  3. VS Code
  4. Jupyter
Start simple... install python, use "any" editor and write a program you can call from the shell, like python hello_world.py and produce something, maybe just print a word.
Learn git (https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2), not github.
This is my view, it's better to understand the underlay tech instead of trying to automatize all at once, consistence and small steps.
I've never heard of replit, I'll take a look, thanks for the recommendation
I thought I could ask you the same question because you advised a lot of links before.
Now it seems you're already more confused than I.😜