It blows my mind when people say this “tangible good/ service” is a human right and everyone should have access to it. I used to believe this but then I saw how people who expect water to be free but don’t recognize all the labor energy and costs it takes to deliver clean water plus when it’s free people will use the water with recklessness. Everything that is worth anything takes the coordination time and energy from some other human. Expecting things to be free is ridiculous.
Me too, I think it's a case of people not understanding everything has a cost. If it's free you're either taking the time and labour of someone else, or you're skimming small amounts from everyone to cover the cost, and feeling like stealing in negligible amounts is a human right.
I've lived without 24 hour electricty, with water rationing, my family have had their homes taken from the government, so I know rights mean nothing. It's really just an idea people hold who are afraid to give up modern comforts.
Once you learn to live without these things and see you're not made of glass and won't shatter because you can't access this or that, then you realise holding onto those dreams cost society more than it provides