ODC #000010 - UX > TEST

Designing Guerrilla Usability test for a NON-custodial Bitcoin-ONLY Lightning wallet


You're a product designer contributing on a NON-custodial Bitcoin-ONLY Lightning wallet running as mobile app.
Your team wants you to analyze some key tasks that are often performed by new users. You're looking to identify problems and opportunities in the flows for these tasks, and learn a little about the behavior and preferences of these newbies.


Select a NON-custodial Bitcoin-ONLY mobile wallet app for this challenge. You can find a comprehensive list of on section B of this link, thanks to @DarthCoin.
For guerilla usability testing, participants are usually chosen randomly from a public place, like a coffee shop, mall, airport, or supermarket and asked to perform a short usability test in exchange for small reward. If you like, find the nearest shop accepting bitcoin around you and have the opportunity to meet someone new.
Perform the same test with 2–3 participants, ideally people who have never used the product before, and focus on the part of the app where they can receive some sats first, and buy or send value back later. Create a report of your findings.
Extra Credit: Perform the test with 5 or more participants.


If you need help with this challenge, check out our hand-picked tutorial recommendations.


Not sure which tools to use? Try something new, go 💯% FOSS!
For remote interviews
Brie.fi/ng (iOS + online) by Dirk Holtwick
Miro Talk (online) by Miroslav Pejic
Keet (desktop & mobile) by Holepunch
NostrNest (audio only) by Jam.Systems
BigBlueButton (requires registration) by BigBlueButton
For professional gurus
User Testing by QuantUX
Mobile App Testing (Usability Tool) by UXtweak
Usability Testing (5 Sessions Free) by Lookback

Share Your Results

When you finish the challenge, post your work including anonymized collected data and results on this thread! If you also share it on nostr, be sure to use the hashtag #opendesigner and tag Design_r@iris.to or @Design__r on X! We'll keep an eye out and repost good examples on a regular basis.

Check our previous ODC and support this community for creative minds, where you'll be able to get open and constructive feedback on your PoW. Ask anything in the ~Design territory and get some ⚡sats for the value you provide!

#Bitcoin #Design #BitcoinDesign #NostrDesign #Nostr #OpenDesign #DesignChallenge #OpenDesignChallenge #UX #BitcoinWallet #LightningWallet #MobileApp #UsabilityTesting #BitcoinPayment