Good morning stackers.
Day 65 of 100 push ups till $100k completed.
It's strange a couple of my wall of text comments from almost a year ago are still getting zaps these days occasionally. Do you guys get that a lot?
SN algorithm encourages zapping through old posts 😂
Does it?
I get these occasionally. People can happen across these old posts by exploring SN in a few different ways: sorting by forever zaprank, scrolling through profile pages, and clicking on the similar posts.
I'd love for the rewards algorithm to start incentivizing rediscovering older content.
Just kidding 😂 @cryotosensei once said he did this.
Probably newcomers scrolling through old posts.
I'd love for the rewards algorithm to start incentivizing rediscovering older content.
If they reward old content zapping, it will probably turn out to be too easy to game. If they ever roll something out like that, it needs to be really well thought out so its harder to game the rewards.
I agree, but it's a shame so much great content is just languishing.
I know k00b's interested in it, so I'm sure they'll come up with something clever eventually.