Try to have him clearly define what draws him to “crypto”. Seeing that he isn’t a self custody guy my guess is he’s entirely focused on fiat NGU. It’s basically gambling to him.
He is literally just hoping whatever shitcoin he buys goes up by the 10x or 100x
Doesn’t give a shit about sovereignty or better money. Likely doesn’t even understand money if he’s oriented on fiat value.
Blackrock and fidelity aren’t launching DogWifHat ETFs lol. He’s focused on vapourware that is a slot machine. You’re focused on the hardest money ever known to mankind that is becoming mainstream and will suck value from stocks, bonds, gold, and real estate.
I’d try forming the argument that:
  1. Shitcoins are experiments that resemble tech companies more than commodity money and 99.9% will fail
  2. Any of the cool features coming from these experiments will be built into bitcoin eventually
  3. Bitcoin doesn’t give a fuck about crypto experiments / vaporware. It’s becoming a mainstream macro asset to be discussed alongside gold and bonds in portfolio allocation
He is peddling penny stock pump and dumps. You are teaching people about the modern day equivalent of S&P index investing that compounds wealth over time.