Thanks a lot for the explanation, that helps a lot. I have a couple of questions if you don't mind helping a noobie.
It's also possible to probe for unannounced channels and use them without any "permission" or route hint.
Let's assume I'm Diana and I have a channel with Bob. How do I go about finding the Alice<>Bob unannounced channel to build a path?
And the second: imagine Diana's node has found the channel, regardless of how this happened. Can Diana gossip the Alice<>Bob channel around, effectively making it public?
You can't gossip about a channel that isn't yours. The gossip has to be signed by both nodes making up the channel to be accepted and relayed. So both sides must agree to announce it.
I could only add that Anton Kumaigorodsky tried to develop private channels routing for his IMMORTAN library but some threat vectors which may realize with such routing stopped him and as he said, it may require features not available yet. For example Eltoo.