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When the gold price rises so massively in such a short time, something is up! Firstly, it could be a definite increase in the risk of war, as indicated by the recent events surrounding the Iranian embassy in Syria or the planned escalation of the war in Ukraine as a potential member of NATO. And secondly, and bitcoiners have been talking about this incessantly for years, the debasement of money may be massively expanded in a coordinated manner by politicians and central banks! A comment on Argentina in this context: the dollarization of the Argentine economy fits in quite well with this picture, as the US Treasury will use the country as another waste garbage can to unload the flood of newly issued government bonds.
That's a decent move!
Do You follow the news?? It doesn't look too bright at this very moment
Market was really scared today. Iran-Israel war fear. I don't know but bad things usually always happen on weekends so I would also be very careful tomorrow and going to gold and bitcoin makes sense
If gold is moving in advance, given a risk of X, Y or Z, then why did it barely budge for basically 3 years, in response to COVID? Given that it barely reacted, that implies COVID was somehow "priced in", way before. Maybe gold investors are always pricing in the worst, rather than the best possible outcomes.
Or they priced 'covid' as a clown flu with political motives
How does that change the fact that more money was printed than expected?
It doesn't. But they need events (like wars) to accelerate credit creation (money printing). Or clown stuff for iddiots like the clown flu