You are absolutely right, sometimes we think we just need more money, when in reality we just need to be able to protect and support the family, while securing something for their future. In the end they just want a dad to play with them... Yesterday I was home during the afternoon free from work, and I had a few things pending but I had to take care of my daughter, my wife had to go out for her business so we stayed At home, I had to postpone pending tasks and organize a parachute brigade.
We took several plastic bags and thread and built several parachutes for his toys and we enjoyed ourselves enormously while we threw them from the 4th floor roof. It was two hours of going up and down many stairs, but at the same time it was two hours full of genuine happiness. That quality of happiness can only be found when we share moments with our children.
parachute brigade
Such a nice story! You gave me joy by retelling this story xP