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Thanks to hardware vendors working hand-in-glove with Microsoft, many people never realize there are alternatives to Windows and Office.
But that's not the case in the European Union (EU) and China, where computer users know all about Microsoft's dominance on the desktop -- and many don't like it. So, when Dirk Schrödter, digitalization minister for the German state of Schleswig-Holstein, announced the state government would switch from proprietary software "towards free, open-source systems and digitally sovereign IT workplaces for the state administration's approximately 30,000 employees," there was cause for rejoicing among Linux desktop fans.
The question is if they really have the standing power to execute it in the long run.
Years ago they tried similar things in Munich as well and they reverted it again: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LiMux
OK, the Munich experiment was quite more ambitious.
Nice. I guess the winner is Suse. My first contact with Linux was my German friend and his distro Suse with KDE3. 30,000 employees it is a lot of new users. Ich liebe OpenSuse.