How do you consume your podcast or audio book?
For me personally I find around 1.5x a good balance between comprehension and amount of time saved.
As it is37.5%
Other speed 50.0%
8 votes \ poll ended
I usually go for about 1.2. When I still used Apple products, there was a fantastic podcasting app called Overcast that did dynamic speed adjustments, and I wish someone else (especially Fountain) would figure out how to offer it.
151 sats \ 0 replies \ @kytt 5 Apr
Somewhere between 1.1 and 1.2 if possible. Higher than that and I start having to re-listen to information.
If I just want the general idea of something, then I listen between 1.75 and 2x.
I just listen as is, speeding it up makes it lose something to me.
101 sats \ 0 replies \ @nym 5 Apr
As it is. I tried 1.5, but it’s too much for me because I’m usually doing other things at the same time.