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Me too. An another example of where were stand amongst the SN VIPs.
We are the 17th and 19th "most valuable" stackers, according to a new category in "top" that I don't understand.
I was thinking about the value status and I think we get punished for quantity. Because we make and zap so many comments, many which are just you and I going back and forth or responding to a random reply to a post and zapping it sends down our value rank. It's kind of silly but to maintain the highest value rank I believe you have to engage only with the most popular posts and stackers and in a limited way because every comment or zap that doesn't get engagement from others of high stature knocks you down a peg.
It should improve naturally as more people get involved in the sports conversations.
It also makes sense that we're not being rewarded for joking around about Uranus.