Beautifully said. That's presence right there. I've heard the statement that living in the past breeds depression, while living in the future breeds anxiety. That is probably an oversimplification, but I think it must factor into why so many people seem to be struggling with mental health these days. At times, my possibilities felt endless and I was stuck in the mental loop of asking if I had made the right choices and what I should do next to live up to my potential.
I've gone through so many different ideas of who I want to be, how to search for meaning in my life, what path I should be following. I traveled, tried all different jobs, searched for more fulfilling relationships, and kept coming back to the conclusion that I was still stuck with myself. I was desperate to feel like I was here for a reason. As I got older, I realized contentment is a state of mind and a choice.
Now I feel like the meaning of life is simply to live. To eat, sleep, create, observe the beautiful world around me. It is a blessing to have my big human brain and the free time to keep asking the question of what is the meaning of the life, but I am happiest when I recognize the beauty of cooking a meal, cleaning my home, connecting with my community.. the simple things in life, as you said
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