Gm. I'm curious. How have your political beliefs changed over the last few years?
I'd say I started off in my youth influenced heavily by academia and peers on the Left. But quickly, I started to see the flaws in leftist logic. Eventually I became more of a libertarian, especially when I discovered Bitcoin.
Over the last couple of years, I've felt the libertarian inside me grow stronger, but there has been a rise in this right-wing populist side of me that I didn't know I had. Interesting times.
I enjoy discussing and arguing politics (vehemently, but respectfully) with people who have opposing views :)
Definitely more libertarian over time, less trusting of big government. I also started reading more about the history that led to "the modern world" across Americas and Europe.
If anyone has recommendations for good historical non-fiction about the Asian world, I'm all ears.
I fell down the Bitcoin rabbit hole a few years back, and became somewhat more libertarian as a result.
I'm not anti-government per se, and I sure as hell don't know how a society should be organised. But I just can't get mad at people taking control over their own lives. So I'm interested in technologies which enable this. Bitcoin, privacy tools, 3D printing, etc.
I also think technology shapes politics more than anything else. Bitcoin's incentives are too strong for political grandstanding to matter much in the long run IMO.
Morning. The reality for many is that the spectrum of politics has moved so far left in such a short space of time, that by remaining still & consistent in your views - people now find themselves much further on the right. Bitcoin of course adds a few more % points to the right. I wouldn't say my own discovery has heavily moved my political views, more so it's been an anchor in search of truth.
I would argue that politics doesn't even serve us these days, the lines have been so blurred by intervention. Looking forward to the day that people can learn to tolerate people with views other than our own once again. Until then, I fear it's more beneficial to vote with your feet than with your vote.
Interesting, had this same conversation with bitcoiners last night at dinner.
Funny how that works
I came to the conclusion at least for now labels are not necessary anymore, when describing people. We all so unique.
These days Iā€™m following šŸ•Š
I went from left -> libertarian -> anarcho capitalist -> minarchist -> largely apolitical with a bias toward small governments and an interest in developing systems/technology that displace governments
I think, large swings in political views (from left to anarcho capitalist is a big swing) indicative of still being undecided on underlying values.
People should learn about themselves what their underlying values are and then derive their political views from there.
Too many people have political opinions first because someone convinced them or because being contrarian and second swing through the political spectrum because of inconsistentcies with their values.