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NgU affects the larger non-pleb nodes too.
LN already follows a power law distribution. Those nodes who maintain the power (top 5%) are more likely to continue existing. Those nodes who are in the bottom 95% are more likely to quit especially as a result of exchange rate increase.
LN is asymmetric and unequal?
Shocking development
Trend is towards Maximum Tolerable Centralization
Either the big nodes become targets for DDOS and the network cannot tolerate being so centralized (like tor operates today).
Or the big nodes specialize such that they are the only nodes that can withstand a DDOS and the network cannot tolerate being decentralized (like email operates today).
I hope that isn't inevitable. One glimmer of hope is that Tor and email don't have financial incentives. I want to believe that if lightning nodes can be made a lot easier/cheaper to run profitably, people will run them.
Email certainly has a financial incentive even if it's not expressed in SMTP.
99% of email servers are run by for-profit companies. Same is not true of Tor routing nodes.
So because LN has financial incentives built-in, like email, it may also go the way of email. Only faster.