From Mo over at Disclosure Diaries:

This past week in Disclosure:

Apr 2 -- Popular Mechanics re-shines a light on Dr. J. Allen Hynek in the context of AARO's latest report
In an article published in Popular Mechanics (paywall removed), Dr. Hynek is profiled in the context of contemporary UAP investigative efforts. Note -- Dr. Hynek was enlisted as an astronomical consultant by the USAF in the 1940-60s, advising on UFO investigations that were underway.
His experiences ultimately led him to 180 on his original perspective (i.e. he came to believe some UFO incidents could not be prosaically explained), and become disillusioned with the USG's approach to the topic writ large.
Apr 2 -- Director James Fox indicates a 1st hand witness to UAP legacy programs will feature in his upcoming documentary
In a post on Twitter, James Fox (director of The Phenomenon, amongst others)...suggested that his upcoming documentary will feature a previously unknown whistleblower. This figure is allegedly willing to testify publicly under oath, provided that he can be assured adequate legal protections.
Apr 3 -- Rep. Tim Burchett reaffirms additional UAP hearings are on the horizon
Speaking with Newsnation, Rep. Tim Burchett confirmed that additional hearings on the UAP subject will be held, saying:
"We're going to hopefully have some whistleblowers in there to blow the lid off some more stuff so get ready,"
Apr 6 -- Rep. Burchett calls attention to the worldwide UAP reporting requirements put out by the Joint Chiefs
Taking to Twitter, Rep. Tim Burchett calls attention to the fact that (since 2023, at least) the Joint Chiefs seem to have been taking the UAP topic quite indicated by FOIA'd documents.