Is this not the case for a citadel? Bitcoiners protecting bitcoiners? Kidnapping becomes a social norm, plus it’s easier than trying to manage a 9-5 in a Mandibles-esque world. The only people you might be able to trust are other bitcoiners with significant wealth.
Let’s assume that we fail to create new social norms. “This is happening.” The incentives to commit crime are too powerful. What do we do? Maybe the citadel is the only answer that might bring us a decent quality of life in this dystopian hellscape that you describe. I hope that we as bitcoiners can infect the culture around the world, turning bitcoiners into leaders or vice versa. Just my 2 sats.
A citadel would help with this danger, so long as you never wanted to leave it for the untamed outside world. But that seems pretty unlikely to me. On the other hand, I think the idea of normalizing the security measures and access practices described in that post is being severely overlooked in this (and the original) discussion.
Bitcoiners have converged on things like "not your keys, not your coins" and the importance of UTXO management and other bons mots of that sort; they could similarly campaign for practices that would prevent the reality I describe from taking place, but they'd have to think it through sufficiently first, and most seem unwilling or unable to.