If You Want It - Niteflyte

https://youtube.com/watch?v=Xz_2waBmqDk&pp=ygUYaWYgeW91IHdhbnQgaXQgbml0ZWZseXRl I really like this group although they weren't around very long. Only two albums before they disbanded.
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Yeah, it's a shame when that happens, there's a band I love for their technical capabilities called Anterior. Phenomenal guitarists but after two albums, packed up the gear and disbanded sadly. They were awesome live aswell!
Their second album was brilliant. This track has some wicked drums and some wonderfully harmonised guitars, I always liked how they used multiple guitarists to layer the harmonies on and showcase their solos. https://youtu.be/AV7974UTadg?si=qHkyYZ5ZGjVfMsdO
They certainly do have some technical skills! If I was that drummer I would have been on the floor with a heart attack after the first minute! I've always liked groups that have multiple guitarists, especially when they combine during the solos.
Harmonising guitars in bridges and even in solos 🤌🤌 just fantastic.
Yeah that drummer really said "hold my beer" 😂
When I was fairly young some friends had the short lived idea to start a band, and I started learning drums to play with them. I'm sure that it gets a lot easier with time, but for the short time we were playing together I developed both a great respect for drummers and very sore arms!
I'll bet! Similar thing for me with guitarists!
I'm certainly not going to say I was good any at it, but it was fun. I was only borrowing the kit from one of the other members, so when they gave up on the idea I quit practicing as well. I eventually got into guitar and keyboard, so the musical interest never really left!