I always like to know what people think is going to happen. To that end:
Despite growing positivity toward Bitcoin, a significant minority expect lower Bitcoin prices by the end of the year.
Roughly 30% of respondents believe Bitcoin’s price will fall below $20,000 by year-end — down from 35% in February and 36% in January.
Meanwhile, 25% believe the flagship crypto will be valued between $20,000 and $75,000 by the end of the year, and only 10% believe Bitcoin’s price will surpass $75,000.
Thirty percent thinking sub-$20k is interesting.
That is interesting as it would seem to lead to the idea that the cycle would be over and BTC is doing its huge dump and I just don't see that being something that would occur with institutional money like Blackrock getting into the space... Since BTC started the year at roughly $38.5k these people are banking on it being half of the value from the start of the year??? I just do not see the logic in that given all of the "new" money flowing in from the traditional banking sector.
Same -- it would be weird if all that new money took a giant L, which is what would be required. I think we're at the spot where only massive institutional collapse or government attack could do it. Those aren't impossible, and in fact the latter is inevitable, but I'd be surprised if it was this year.
Yeah to that point if we have WWIII break out then yeah I think BTC along with most things would be crushed!