fears won’t go away
Implying inflation is going away...
I'm no expert but when I buy stuff I need I don't notice a drop in prices. What is always left out when the leeches talk about inflation accumulative price inflation. When they talk about bringing it back in line with 2% or whatever they don't mention that prices are never going back down to pre 2020 levels. Stuff keeps getting more expensive and it stays expensive. These "economists" that seem to try to gas light the public know better. They are the scum of the earth in my opinion.
I know the phrase "gas lighting" is itself being distorted and inflated to lose its edge but it is a perfect analogy for what the media and leaches are trying to do to the public. The message is, stop thinking. Stop worrying. Trust us. We know better. Look at these charts. We are smart, you are dumb. You aren't running your business right. Maybe you should just go work for a big corp and hang up this dumb idea of running your own business. I mean, you think things are bad.
I've said it before. I come from a blue collar background and I'm beginning to realize that I never lost that distrust for suits. That coupled with my personality to ask questions makes me very sensitive to bull shit from suits. The levels of BS seems to have multiplied since the pandemic. Or, maybe its just me.
The levels of BS seems to have multiplied since the pandemic.
I have the same sense. I think the old propaganda machine is losing it's effect and they're compensating for the loss in quality with an increase in quantity.
Yep, it is clear that they are losing control of the mind control machine and its all their fault. They pushed it to far and broke many people's spell.
That can sound kinda tin foil hat and jarring to some here... but I don't have a better name for it. That is what they try to do. Its also called propaganda and marketing. We are constantly under mental attack. If you don't see it... congrats. Hope you enjoy to the blue pill life.