Things are getting dicey in my neck of the woods. We have had a few years of pretty slow ski seasons now after covid hampered it for a couple years and then the last two not that much snow. There was always some change over in the storefronts along the main street "downtown" but there are 5 or 6 empty storefronts now. A small commercial strip plaza a short walk from me that has maybe 15 units has had 4 units change over in the past 6 months and another one vacant.
Oddly enough though I have not seen a lot of listings for businesses for sale. I have been keeping an eye out hoping to find an existing, profitable biz where maybe someone is retiring and I can have all the infrastructure in place rather than spending years again building something up. But I haven't really come across anything so maybe the pain is not too deep yet.
maybe the pain is not too deep yet.
I think that's also why we haven't seen the housing market implode yet. Eventually, if things don't improve, budgets will get strained and people will start selling off what they have.
Yes you can only get by on duct tape and bubble gum to seal the leak in your boat for so long.
In the area where I live the number of small businesses or local businesses is decreasing since 2021, this seems to be an increasing trend, I hope it will be reversed soon, because most of the economy depends on local businesses, at least I think so.