Maybe you already do but have you considered running promotions to enhance bitcoin/lightning awareness. Pay with satoshis hour instead of happy hour and get half off or something to that affect.
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112 sats \ 1 reply \ @pubkey OP 9 Apr
We're getting there -- but there is a lot of operational complexity that goes into accepting bitcoin payments. This could be an entire podcast topic on its own. Every time we settle a tab in bitcoin, we still have inventory, tax, tip, and other requirements on the backend.
However, we'll absolutely run an experiment for the Pleb Halvening Party on 4/20 where we'll offer half off bitcoin on select items.
That's awesome.
Totally understand the operational and accounting complexity of accepting bitcoin payments. Hopefully as the ecosystem continues to get built out there will be software solutions that help take care of that for you.
It's pretty hard to get people to part with their sats even for deep discounts. Once the novelty of paying in bitcoin wears off, people usually go back to fiat so they can stack more.