Now, I wonder when did this start? Social Security number is the first introduction into this web and perhaps our first declaration as taxpayer. Was it not? I would gladly get rid of one since by the time I'm ready to retire (whatever that means) there will be no money left in the system anyway. I just can imagine how "easy" the life would be without one (e.g. get a job, driver license, a passport or god forbid a bank account :-)) </sarcasm> Silly me, and I thought Bitcoin was a "tulip-mania" or "ponzi-scheme" . It was SSA from the day one.
it's unrelated to social security. it's all tied into the W9's and W4's (and embedded W9's in bank account /investment account opening docs).
you can keep your social just dont tell every company you do business with that you are a taxpayer when you are not (under the definitions clearly defined in the tax code, NOT the common laymans definitions)