Appreciate you, man. What did you mean by the title though?
I'm envious of folks like you that consistently crank out great posts. I feel like it must take hours to put these together. Tell me it's easy and that it comes out fully formed into the... form.
I might be too good at living a no pressure life. Doing nothing is pretty cool.
Stacker News defies conventional parenting advice because it makes me feel fulfilled (in more ways than one) and helps me sharpen my mental readiness towards parenting. As opposed to conventional parenting advice that advocates getting off social media to maintain your focus
Erm I actually just take 15-20 mins per post. I think it all starts with the desire to post. I just set myself 15-20 mins, type out whatever’s in my mind n press Publish at the end. If it does well, I get zaps. If it doesn’t do well, I had some fun. To begin with, I m fond of writing. The zaps are a nice bonus haha