I have referred 5 friends and have the 5x multiplier. The first day I used the app I noticed that the sats accumulation seemed to mirror the multiplier pretty well (getting 5 sats per increment of the sats counter during listening). Here's a screenshot of my wallet tab showing the 5x multiplier as well as how much I've earned today (60): https://imgur.com/5neWML9
After that first day however, the app started acting suspicious. For starters, the sat counter at the top would only increment by 3 or 4 (less than the first day after I got the 5x multiplier) and even worse, the sat counter would go up to some value and then reset to 0. It kept doing this over and over to the point that I would have 0 earned sats in a day when I used the app for over 2 hours. Here's a screen capture of this sat counter reset: https://imgur.com/H2cxsGc
And here is a screencap of my wallet (https://imgur.com/SoJLo3A) showing that my "Earned Today" is showing the same 60 sats as it did before I started listening to this one episode which proves the counter reset is not merely a display bug but it's an accounting issue that's not crediting my account correctly.
Whether this is a bug or it's a purposeful accounting trick in the app to not have to do what they claim they do is unknown to me. I've waited for multiple updates to pass by before reporting this since Fountain had originally claimed they were having issues with their "bot detection" but after three updates, it hasn't been fixed. Fountain is luring users in with what at this point is misleading incentives since their app is not doing what they have stated their app will do.
As a side note: Darknet Diaries is an AWESOME podcast show worth listening to!
I reached out to them on twitter when I had these issues. They told me that their policies have been updated. You now earn more if you contribute and interact with the community by making clips and boosting podcasts. If you don't participate, you earn less. You will only earn sats from promotional ads at the maximum rate while others will be drastically reduced or down to nothing. It's a bit bait and switchy.
Bait and switch indeed if that's the case. Also, you're talking about reduced earning. Seems like it's not reduced, it's eliminated if the counter resets and you earn 0 😆