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If only it were confined to California. That guy in Wisconsin just got convicted for defending himself against being attacked by a group of teenagers.
Oh, really? I thought the midwest was a bit better than the coasts. Maybe I was wrong.
Some of it is. I wouldn't expect stories like this from Indiana, for instance.
There are a lot of issues with the police though. Now they are becoming less funded, they are becoming more disgruntled.
People are becoming aware that the police aren't there to help them.
Yes, and this awareness is making the police do things they wouldnt have thought of doing before. In the past, they were corrupt, but everyone knew it. Now they act like they are clean, but are dirtier than before.
I heard California is also going full socialism. How are things there?
Thank god I am not in California. The last time I visited SF, it was still nice. Now I hear the homeless and pee everywhere, and marijuana is legal, making it stink even worse.
  • cameras everywhere, and tickets already get issued automatically. not a frequent event yet.
  • people petition to remove homeless from their neighborhoods. the homeless are not yet aggressive, but just like the police, are becoming disgruntled.
  • colorful people are everywhere.
  • we play a game: "homeless - not homeless" guessing the status of passersby on the street.
  • the weather is still nice. chemtrails are frequent, but not yet a sore to the eyes. Mount Shasta's skies are really bad.
Socialism and also Spanish language is more prevalent