Further evidence that the Fed isn't going to be cutting rates as soon as people expect. The expected was a 0.3% rise so it was more than double the expected. What a time to be alive for economist as whatever they think the opposite keeps happening lmao
We now live in a system where good news is bad news and bad news is good news.
When good economic data is "bad" news for equities, because the money printer has become more powerful than the market, it's a sign of a deep sickness in the system. There's something terribly wrong.
Bitcoin is the only way I know to escape this madness. Everything else, even Gold, is part of their system.
I've been saying that again and again. Fed isn't going to decrease anytime soon and retail sales up 0.7% won't let them do it.
Yep! For the Fed they get one piece of "good" info that would let them start lowering them but its followed up immediately by five data points pointing at how that is just not the case. The one thing that I do wonder is if they end up biting the bullet at do a 25 basis point cut just so that they can say they did something since a 25-point cut isn't going to affect the economy to significantly.
Even for a little drop, they now need to have balls, which they clearly don't have.
I wonder if Powell will fold around election time to political pressure as Trump has said he wouldn't renominate him so he would be forced out at the beginning of 2026. Biden seems to like him and Powell has said he would stick around with Biden for another term.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @nym 15 Apr
The markets can stay irrational longer than you can stay sane.
I am just happy I am not an economist or in anyway supposed to figure out the economic mess we are in lol