We watch Bitcoin binaries to notify you if something sketchy is happening. We are an alert system, always verify yourself! Do not trust, verify! by @Coinkite - https://binarywatch.org/
How it is done: 1. crawl project download pages 2. download discovered resources and their signature/data files 3. calculate checksum of downloaded resource binary and assert checksum is in data/sig file with correct resource name 4. check signature verifies (against pubkey already in GPG keyring) 5. check calculated checksum is the same as checksum calculated for the same resource from previous run 6. notify twitter immediately if something is off, otherwise post report every 8 hours with summary of what was checked
✅ coldcard ✅ blockclock ✅ lnd ✅ bitcoin_core ✅ wasabi ✅ joinmarket ✅ electrum ✅ seedsigner ✅ liana ✅ bitcoin_knots ✅ sparrow ✅ green_qt ✅ core_ln ✅ specter
Good work. Thanks for making everything is secure and reproducible.