No, it wasn't. Georgia 2008? Putin should have been stopped back then.
According to academic Martin Malek, western countries did not feel it was necessary to aggravate tensions with Russia over "tiny and insignificant" Georgia.
Same mistake West did with Czechoslovakia in 1938 (Munich Agreement).
Not the same
Munich agreement was more serious
It was a mistake to concede Czechoslovakia because balance of power shifted to Germany
Georgia did not change balance of power
No, nothing changed in balance of power with Sudetenland. It's about stupid idea giving dictators what they want with idea that they will stop there and there will be peace. They won't, they will expand as much as they are allowed to.
Balance of power shifted to Germany
Britain could not defend Czech or Poland and later Denmark and Norway etc
Sudetenland was small enough to do not change things much from military strategy perspective. Bigger deal was Poland taking also minor part of Czechoslovakia, but also it didn't change much. It was hard to defend Poland anyway. But French and British could have marched mass scale into Western Germany, but they didn't, to not "escalate things" (same as in Ukraine now), French invasion was very limited. With Denmark and Norway Germans just did first strike, UK didn't have enough time to react. British could have occupied Norway first if they really wanted to.
My mistake
I forgot about 2008 in Georgia 🇬🇪
Why did Russia invade Georgia?
NATO membership potential
Stop extending NATO membership to former Soviet states and war can be averted!
Georgia invasion was 30 days or less
So countries don't have rights to choose their destiny? NATO membership in these countries has popular support. Why? Because they are afraid of Russian invasion again, as it have happened in past centuries. Russia (Muscovy) is collapsing empire since Crimean War (1853-1856), but it doesn't want to die yet.
NATO expansion has been a geopolitical mistake.
Ukraine wants to join NATO but not enough members will approve especially USA
USA must approve with 67 senators voting yes
I predict Ukraine will have less than 50 votes
NATO is a Cold War relic. We live in a post Cold War world. NATO should be dissolved
Maybe Ukraine will not join NATO in the future, but that should be free choice of Ukraine and other member states, Russia should have any rights to interfere with this.