i'm in my mid 20's. and i still have no idea what i'm doing with my life.
i just quit my job in japan (and yes, i am still here).
no solid career plan.
no straight path to follow.
there's just never been a "YES. I am doing that for life." type of epiphany that has hit me.
these things, i do know though:
- i love reading, talking about books, and writing about them.
- i at least think i'm a really good writer.
- i love travel and experiencing new things.
- i love creating content about books and book things.
- teaching writing and analytical reading has also grown alot on me too.
it's so interesting how there is this perception that we have to have our lives all figured out between the ages of 18-35. you choose that one thing that leads you to a stable life (whatever that is in this day, age, and corrupt banking system and economy), then reach retirement where you're supposed to feel fulfilled after all the years you put in. (i am not saying the structured american dream is bad, because it's not at all. i actually respect people who decide to choose this path alot. it's just not for me, and all opinions are my own).
i thought by now, i would know. but i still don't.
as you can see, i love alot of things, and i like to do alot of things. and i refuse to choose just one to settle on.
what i do know right now is i'm young with a free spirit, and i want to further experience and explore what the world offers while i still can. i recently found out my current place of work wasn't for me, so i decided to leave. what's coming next? i don't know. it scares the shit out of me, and my brain just loves talking to me about all the bad scenarios for not choosing something "stable" financial wise.
however, i'd rather be broke and be full of life experiences and stories to tell, than be financially stable and forever regretting not seeing the world, and doing all the things i love right now.
with that, i feel like your 20's shouldn't just be about settling down already.
and here are some things i've learned about this rollercoaster ass period of life:
do the things you truly love (money aside, it always comes eventually).
explore who you are, grow and discover sides of yourself you never thought you had.
learn, and make all the mistakes while you still can.
if you don't like something, that's okay because you still have the time and energy (believe it or not, you really do) to try other things out.
try. literally. EVERYTHING. and really put the energy and effort into being genuine about it.
i've already spent five of those years debating back and forth whether to listen to my heart, vs. succumbing to a career that pays you comfortably, but will likely make you feel miserable on the inside.
i FINALLY listened to what my heart soul was speaking to after what felt like forever. and i am so grateful it does everyday still.
i hope this post can help not just people in their 20's, but to anyone.
if you're still breathing and able bodied, it's never too late. always know that.