YOU DON'T HAVE TO unphone!!
you can use a degoogled pixel! Get all the apps in the android store, preserve your privacy and create multiple profiles
"Phones. They’re miraculous! But: they use up scarce minerals that are often mined in peril."
Why do they even include this when nearly all mobile electronic devices, this one included, requires those same materials. How the fuck do people think LCD screens are made?
We don't need open source hardware. We need more operating system solutions for smart phones that aren't Apple or Android AND also not at risk of being bought out by the two.
I have an iPhone and its not easy to do this. Recently I:
deleted all non-essential apps (social media etc.) Changed 'Web Content' to 'Allowed Websites' which means I can't really use Safari. It breaks some apps and is a pain, but you can then allow the app url and it works fine. Consume only long-form content via phone.
This has had a remarkable impact on my well-being. I am more present, enjoying the moment much more and generally a becoming more and more productive. I just wish there was a easier/better way of achieving this on an iPhone. Non text/call usage is now under an hour a day.
What a retarded concept. If you dont need a phone, dont use one. You dont have to be half assed like this.
Yep - gotta say when I see photos of masked people it's an immediate shut-down for me.
Cool! I would love to try this out!