I’m from Southeast Asia too! Hi from Singapore.
Can I know more about your current studying habits so that I can suggest something that would fit into your lifestyle?
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I recently started DuoLingo. I don't have the chance to interact with native Japanese speakers. I've been in New Jersey for the past 23 years and as a programmer with my face glued to the screen, I also don't have many opportunities to speak English. Also, I just realize your username is into @cryptosensei :-)
Sorry that it took me a while to get back to you. I must commend your commitment to learning Japanese even though you don’t get to use it in your everyday life. But as Stoic practitioners say, “The obstacle is the way.”
I am not actually learning Japanese anymore since I’m a father of two. I have also never tried out Duolingo, but I would imagine that it’s not very motivational because you just listen to recordings and maybe play some games. No interactive element, no incentive to really make the words sink in.
I would suggest pairing the studying of radicals Tofugu has an informative article on this. with something you like. Anime? Drama? J-Pop? The going may be slow, and it seems like a more haphazard way of acquiring Japanese compared to using Duolingo. But I think you will find it a more rejuvenating process.
Just to use an example from my life, yesterday I asked about the difference between the -ful and the -ous- suffixes. I got an answer immediately n the dopamine rush I received will motivate to learn more deeply about English haha
Hope this helps