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Why You Can't Build Apple with Venture Capital An ex-Apple designer who went on to startup success once told me, "I wish I could give a workshop for Apple alumni jumping into startups, to help them un-learn The Apple Way." As someone who strives to build products with the craft and quality of Apple, it pains me to admit that The Apple Way can destroy a lot of startups. Which brings us to Humane. Humane raised $230 Million and spent six years to ship an "Ai Pin," with disastrous results.
To build something great takes a low time preference approach, no way around it.
Before you launch, you live in vacuum, and you operate on faith that your theories will pan out.
Build your start-up around other builders.
If I had to give one bit of PR advice to a startup, it's to be humble. I learned this from Twitter's early early years, when users somehow tolerated weekly service outages. I think users forgave Twitter for all its mistakes because Ev Williams is a good guy who cultivated a humble culture. Nobody publicly trash talked Facebook. Even flops like Google Buzz were relegated to a few chuckles on internal mailing lists. I didn't know anyone at the company driven by destroying the other guys.
💯stay humble, take every win like a loss and every loss as an opportunity to grow. Never grow complacent, always keep trying to surprise people. Also I agree @Ev is the 🐐
To build something great takes a low time preference approach, no way around it.
What I gather you mean is that no startup can use Apple, 40 years old now, as an example of how they should be at the beginning. It's like thinking you need to be as good as Santana to begin performing guitar solos.
💯 ABS, ABR Always Be Shipping, Always Be Recruiting👏👏👏