Imagine life as this big, mysterious orchestra playing out all around us. In this grand symphony, there's this powerful rule: "You get back what you put in." The idea that whatever seeds you plant in the garden of life will eventually grow into something, reflecting the energy you've put out there.
Now, think of yourself as a magician, armed with a wand of intention. Every thought and action you have is like casting a spell on your reality. It's like saying we've got this magical ability to shape our own lives. Just like a magician pulling tricks out of seemingly thin air, we're shaping our lives with the choices we make, the actions we make, the thoughts we have and the words that we use.
In this magical world, the law of reciprocity is the ruler of the land, echoing across everything. Our energy sends out ripples into the universe, and those ripples come back to us, almost like a dance. That's where the saying "what goes around, comes around" comes from. It's a reminder that everything's connected, and we have a big impact on how things unfold.
Think of your life as this huge stage production. You're not only the main actor, but also the one writing the script. Every part of the show is shaped by your thoughts, beliefs, and actions. And just like an audience reacts to a performance, the universe reacts to the energy we give off, reflecting back to us what we've created.
So, let's focus on consciously creating our lives, taking care of our inner selves with love and kindness. Knowing that what we put out there will come back to us in some form. We can choose to sow seeds of positivity and watch them grow into something beautiful. And let's be mindful of the energy we're sending out, because in this amazing journey of life, we're both the creators and the magic, shaping our realities with every little thing we do.
Artwork taken from the Tarot deck "Magnetic Limited Love" by Nantakay(aka ME, Annie Dustan). #tarot #magician #coach #choice #love #kindness #beliefs #actions