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Once upon on a time, there was
For centuries, peoples have been considered "lost at sea" that is, unable to govern themselves, lacking willpower. The lack of massive awakening creates obstacles for those who are already on the path of awareness, thus self-determination. Claiming that "the Peoples are not ready to know the true" is only a justification for not taking responsibility in order to bring about the awakening of all the consciences slumbering behind painstaking and multi-millennial work, at least of those well predisposed. Ignoring the reality of one's condition and not taking responsibility for it entails remaining in the perpetual state of subservience of the pseudo institutions to which, consciously or unconsciously, we delegate our responsibilities, allowing them to replace us in the governance of our body (to whatever State Inc.) and spirit.
Through religion, we have surrendered the ability to devote ourselves to spirituality, through health care that of devoting ourselves to our health and, no less, through so-called justice, the resolution of interpersonal conflicts - overwhelmed by our own emotion and traumas we are unable to see the resolution. Thus doing so, we have stripped ourselves of all authority in the physical and metaphysical world, and delegated it (in most of the cases, someone delegated us to it). Embarking on any new path as laymen initially involves a condition of discomfort, of helplessness, a condition that may resolve itself over time, as skills increase, through the assimilation of concepts, techniques, words and methods in use in the field in question.
Knowledge, leads us to face without fear of any situation and/or adversity, precisely because of the knowledge that one possesses the expertise necessary to cope with contingent situations. When a professional addresses the ordinary citizen, he or she tends to use terms pertaining to his or her expertise, so as not to be understood, the well known legaleses. Languages that are codified and easily understood only by insiders are those used within the same field. It will therefore happen to hear a lawyer conversing with a magistrate without, as laymen, understanding its meaning, a doctor with a radiologist with the same results, ditto for a priest with a cleric, as an accountant with a secretary.
The lack of expertise places us - as human being - outside the dialogue and understanding of concepts, forcing us to respond the question we do not even understand the answers we give. All this was born in the 13th century, at the behest of the Medici family of Florence, through the organization of merchants into Private Systems composed of 5 main Guilds (Associations, Corporations), known as Arti Mediane and 7 minor ones, known as Arti Minori, i.e., guilds versed in the occult, therefore endowed with hidden knowledge and languages, reserved only for insiders.
Among the most important, is the language of Law or legalese or even called jurisprudence, formed by occult rituals, precluded to the masses, by which the celebration or rite of the hearing or trial, as being religiously derived; a farce, a deception to all intents and purposes, by which the defendant, rightly believed to be incapacitated, therefore in need of being represented by the one who has the competence, in this case the lawyer, to defend them. In all of this, it is of fundamental importance to document oneself and make oneself competent, so, as to be able to converse as equals in every useful circumstance and never take anything for granted, especially providing our consent if we do not first clear about the meaning of the interlocutor's words, whatever they may be!
Today more than ever, the media, in the pay of elitist powers, tend to be directed to provide false news and information, often, almost constantly, precluding the true, to the detriment of citizens, keeping the latter in a condition of profound ignorance and relative incompetence. Moreover, through "junk" programs they keep the cultural level of the masses very low, in addition to molding the minds with aural and visual communication and mind-control techniques, causing cognitive dissonance in the vast audience.
Until recently, relevant information fundamental to understand all this process was kept hidden from the general public and difficult to find. Today the shamelessness of the elite class, well aware of the low level of awareness of the people, has led to making information readily available but not in the massive public domain, therefore, findable by the simple interest and commitment, a dowry often absent in the vast majority of the population. The result of this widespread condition of ignorance, often also dictated by disinterest, unwillingness, incomprehensibility of technical terms, etc., results in a level of conscientiousness, insufficient to provoke an appropriate reaction from the population.
The purpose of this writing is to increase and facilitate the dissemination of information useful for awakening consciences, through the understanding of specific dynamics and the use of the appropriate tools, for the purpose of liberating humanity from the multi-millennial subjugation into which it has been induced in a manner as insidious as well as effective manner. As an example, we mention the fateful date of April 25, the day of many celebrations around the world, as a joke, the National Financial Awareness Day in the U.S.A., the preparation for Confederate Heroes’ Day in Texas, Portugal Freedom Day, Anzac Day in Australia, the "Liberation" Day in Italy and Sirai... and many others. In reality, that date represents and evokes the beginning of the U.S. Occupation, by which was enshrined for all legal and practical purposes the condition of many states as U.S. colony. Knowing the details of historical events and the labyrinths of Law help us be more aware of the position we have in this world, it paves the way to self-determination, both individual and collective, so, as to bring about the longed-for, true, Liberation.
It's our duty to take back our sovereign individuality and be strong together as community that recognize and support itself without the need of any intermediaries. There's so much unknown, hidden under our nose. We just need to see things from a different perspective, unlearn about all our beliefs and gain back our freedom in both the physical and the spiritual space we occupy.
Freedom is priceless.
I totally agree... especially if you measure it in time!