Full-featured comedy on a mission to conquer mainstream film festivals, streaming platforms and box offices. Story about street artist recovering lost bitcoins.


Meet Vova Lert, a filmmaker with a passion for both movies and Bitcoin. He's spent years pouring his heart, soul, and yes, even his bitcoins, into his films.
Vova's tale is one of dedication and determination. As Creative Director of a Bitcoin mining equipment company, he poured his heart and soul into the world of cryptocurrency, earning hundreds of bitcoins along the way. But instead of holding onto his digital fortune, Vova did something truly remarkable – he invested it all in his true passion: filmmaking.
With each bitcoin he spent, Vova financed his dreams of creating cinematic masterpieces that would captivate audiences around the world. His films garnered acclaim at international festivals, earning him recognition in the movie industry.
Now, he's directing his most ambitious project yet: a comedy about a street artist who accidentally tosses out a laptop with 100 BTC inside.
As Vova dives into the script, he sees parallels between the protagonist's quest for lost bitcoins and his own journey of self-discovery. It's a story about finding what truly matters, even when it seems lost.
But Vova can't do it alone.
He needs your help to bring "The Bitcoin Movie" to life. By contributing to our Geyser campaign, you'll not only support filmmaking but also get exclusive access to behind-the-scenes updates pre-screening and festival premieres.
Join Vova on this adventure, and let's make movie magic together.
Thank you for being a part of our story!
Will zap some sats to the geyser fund. Best of luck with the project.