if we zoom way out of the tech ecosystem and look at businesses like grocery stores, don’t they fall into the same category as Coinbase, Twitter, and Stripe too?
i could argue they promote scams in the form of fake meat, seed oil sludge, and all the other junk they sell, and if the recent trend towards “cashless” continues, it won’t be long before all your grocery store transactions are being surveiled (not sure if feds have access, but banks and credit card companies definitely do)
there are options to use cash at farmers markets, although admittedly they are often not a large enough selection of items for most people to rely on as their only food provider.
Yeah really - farmers markets that I've been to in the past year have freeze-dried candies, all kinds of baked goods, some pickles/relishes, and maybe one place with some very expensive veggies. All at extremely high prices. Very different from farmers markets I've known in the past.