In an imagined utopia with hyperbitcoinized Lightning ... how would the infrastructure look like in your opinion? Would normal people run a node with a single connection to their local supermarket? Or would still only enthusiasts run their own nodes with everyone else having accounts with their enthusiast friends/family/bank?
This is my imagined setup: • Families run their LN nodes on their home router / server • The family LN node will serve multiple family members each having their own accounts, wallets and funds • The node will have only a few channels (3-5) to most used services, such as their employer, to an online merchant, and maybe their communication provider, family friend • These channels are open for years, similar how you get a credit card and then you stay with that bank for years • New channels are opened when the family needs more liquidity to receive or spend • The node is "watched" by 1-3 friend nodes (LND Watchtower or CLN Eye of Satoshi) • Each family member will connect to this node with their phone to use the network to receive and send SATs
Recently I read about Fedimints which proposes a more realistic scenario imo.
  • Instead of 1 household - 1 node, a group of X friends maintain Y nodes (X>Y).
  • The nodes are maintained by the tech savvy households (trusted Federation setup). Could be friends, could be employee/employer.
  • This strikes a middleground between holding your own key and trusting one bank to manage your money.
Not comparable IMO.
Fedimints are trusted, but home LN setups are not.