Hi Alan Plus!
What's your thoughts about the current limitations of Lightning Network tech, and how these can be improved in the future?
In general many consider the fact that you only receive if you have a sufficiently large active channel to be a limitation. But personally, I don't think it's an issue. If the amount is too large, just send it on-chain. Or even better, let the sender open a channel and send the funds on LN in one go.
Wallets and tools are rapidly getting better, but it's still a steep learning curve to start a node and operate it if you have no understanding of Bitcoin and Lightning. Let's say you're a dentist and you want to receive LN payments, it's not easy. Currently fully custodial solutions are the easiest like OpenNode, but on the long term, we really want everybody to run their own nodes. We need devs and companies making LN easier to start and run.