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I wish I had a good alternative to religion. I don't, and I don't feel like it's possible for me to believe, because of my mental makeup, and my background.
But I also believe that over the long term, societies with no religion will wither away and die, nobody will have children. Or they will develop an alternative to religion that's worse. For instance - the climate change narrative offers us an an alternative to religion. There's a fiery hell (global warming), but we can sacrifice and redeem ourselves (going "green").
I believe that saying about everybody having a "god sized hole" in them is absolutely true. I've gotten to know a lot of people in the past few years who are very religious. It provides a LOT for these people. Meaning, community, certain routines, a feeling of continuity. I wish I could believe in some religion - any religion - myself, but I don't see it happening.
But I also believe that over the long term, societies with no religion will wither away and die, nobody will have children. Or they will develop an alternative to religion that's worse. For instance - the climate change narrative offers us an an alternative to religion. There's a fiery hell (global warming), but we can sacrifice and redeem ourselves (going "green").
I believe that saying about everybody having a "god sized hole" in them is absolutely true.
You summed up my thoughts exactly. The slow suicide of western civilization is the perfect example of this. The rise in mental health issues, suicide, destruction of the family, drug use, and declining birth rate all coincide with the loss of religion in the west.
“If you believe in nothing you’ll fall for anything” is scarily true. So many people jump from one trend to the next always finding themselves empty and unfulfilled.
💯. What feed energy into is incredibly important to creating our reality. People are so focused on distractions now. Many have lost their way, lost their inner truth, or connection.
I think it's important for us to have faith in something bigger than ourselves. To know that we are part of something beautiful. I am much happier now that I have found my version of spirituality.
Just read the book of Matthew online, it has all you need to know. If you seek you will find. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+5&version=NIV/
Keep in mind, many times through Christ's life there were people who only heard him say one of these teachings, He did not have to stop and explain the whole bible to each of them.
That tells us the message isn't so much about a set of rules, it is a Spirit that we are called to have in this life. Treat others the way you want to be treated, and love others as you love yourself. (that is not charity*** = love yourself means wanting yourself to be better, that is how we should treat each other as well.)
If you are looking for others to share the Spirit with- just look to your local Jesus-meetup and I'm sure you will find that community you talked about =)