Figured its a good time to consider UTXO management. Don't do it now but you'd be wise to think about it now and prepare for the next low fee environment. This is a very useful tool
This calculator will give you an idea of how much it costs to spend a UTXO with specific characteristics. When that cost is computed, we can determine what the viable floor value of that type of UTXO is for any given transaction fee rate, which means you should avoid receiving deposits below that value.
Thank you for sharing! This is a good thing for everyone to take into account. I know there’s varying opinions on whether dust really exists or not, but regardless of your position, this is something you should be aware of and understand
Couldn't you always just coinjoin a small UTXO and use it to help pay the fee? Obviously that adds to size & fee, but at least it's not dust (as in something that's useless; the miner can definitely use it).
If I am wrong please someone explain why. If you add a UTXO to a transaction this increases the weight/complexity and while that goes to the miner it doesn't help you the transaction actor very much. I don't know if you net out better than simply not adding the small UTXO to the transaction.
You're right. This is just concerned with economically unspendable outputs. They should always be spendable, right? It's just a question of making sure you're setting yourself up in the best position in the long term when the days of sub 150 sats per vByte fees will be long gone.