Hey freaks!
Cody Wilson gave a speech regarding the idea of death athleticism.
It seems as though I've made death my profession.
Bitcoin is a ladder, Hustle has climbed an additional two rungs this month.
If hyperbitcoinization happens, everyone reading this post will be fine.
If your reading this post, congratulations you' ve made it.
Bitcoin enables exponential growth in your savings, and through the process of groking bitcoin, one picks up activities and habbits that are more akin to minamalism than consumerism. Adopting a self sufficient and sovereign attitude, aligning yourself with productive, like-minded individuals, and extending your time preference is an inevitable pull towards a heroes journey.
This epoch has hustle angrier at the looters (he's been getting into his Rothbard). If you ask a normie what we need the govt for...., you'll receive answers that prescribe them godlike powers.
Michael Saylor said we don't want to be martyrs, we want to win. TheWildHustle welcomes an honorable death performance. When Hustle was in the Air Force he would load bombs and rounds into F-16 fighter jets, the only real world mission he accomplished was in raining fire onto libya to kill Kadafi because he was trying to separate money from state. His squadrons motta was, "giving our enemies the opportunity to die for their country". What an honor.
Don't die for your country freaks! And the best weapon the state has, is its ability to manipulate emotions by fomenting fear. TheWildHustle would be fine and happy if he died right now, everything else is just whipped cream and strawberrys at this point.
I clicked for strawberries. Where are they? Are you doing some cherry-picking of your thoughts on death, and playing on words?
Strawberries and whipped cream are complimentary additions to cake, you’d be fine if you didn’t have it but it tastes good and looks nice. Hustles feels as though if he died today he’d be happy, and that everything else he experiences in life will be be a nice add-on.
Created the title after writing the word Strawberry. The title could have been, “Thoughts on death and, nice, but unnecessary things”, but I thought death and strawberries sounded too cool to pass on, ‘twas a 2 second decision.
Not nearly enough strawberries
Over in America people are addicted to them, they’re distracted by the whipped cream and forgot about the cake. Hustle ate the cake and spends a decent amount of time refusing random and inconsequential fruit toppings.