Morality in religion has a shakey foundation.
99% of them are "do this because God says it is good", which is such a weird proposition.
-Why would God say it is good make it good? -Why is God the sole being for objective morality? -And if God come down and do a 180, then the entire good/evil narrative get flipped around.
Some argue it is because God is the creator, sure, but that just make it the creator, not anything else.
Some argue it is because God is the most powerful being. That just means morality is governed and determined by strength. Perhaps there's an even stronger being above God and our "God" is unaware of its existence.
The biggest issue of it all is, most of them ask you to do "things" for the eternal ever lasting life. This is an extremely nihilistic pov(no, religion is not a weapon against nihilism). That is no different than communism promising the ever lasting utopia.
Who cares about the cost happening right now if the future is forever perfect? It makes people prone to accepting defeat, and slave away their current life, and a false life on top of it all.
Religion can be helpful to those who want a solid foundation that they aren't living a random, meaningless, chaotic world. Imo calling it a good thing is like saying using drug to de-stress is a good thing.