Gm. Can the SN Lightning Wallet be developed to be non-custodial?
This is more out of curiosity rather than a feature request (I'm sure @k00b is busy).
As of now, I transfer sats from SN to other Lightning wallets to store sats in wallets with self custody backups (Muun, Breez etc).
Is there potential in the future to allow users to take a backup of the SN wallet itself so we won't have to transfer to another wallet?
You can send (or withdraw) sats to SN in chunks e.g. every month. This "prepaid mode" even has the advantage to not drain your wallet accidentally.
We will be exploring non-custodial wallets later this year. It's complicated because of latency, failure modes, and security.
At the very least we'll be providing ways for you to keep your wallet below a certain threshold.