Hi there, I recently started delving into NixOS and one thing I struggle to find out currently is how to verify the Bitcoin Core version, when installed via nixpkgs.
Some things I think I found out, but also a question:
  1. When obtaining packages from the default binary cache, their content is signed by the official NixOS cache server, whose public key is configured as trusted in the nix.conf
  2. The package hash can be found out with nix-store --query --hash /nix/store/h9ypj22qfzss0x5is4999x1sv1nxai52-bitcoin-26.0 I can trust to run the right binaries when some trusted (by me) source confirms this hash.
  3. Is there any place where devs/maintainers publish signatures that allow me to verify my installed Bitcoin Core version?
Thanks a lot if you can help me with my question or correct me if I misunderstood something!