Server is down. Not sure what that means for BTC currently in the mixer. Might require running Dojo, or worse.
Not sure what that means for BTC currently in the mixer
With coinjoins you never give up custody of bitcoins to a third party, every coinjoin transaction needs to be signed by all participants for it to be a valid Bitcoin transaction.
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Unfortunately I doubt the non-custodial aspect holds any weight if the Tornado Cash situation is anything to go by.
These kind of terms noncustodial, mixer, coinjoin will play out in court and set a precedent for future cases.
Prosecution and judge will likely avoid this at all costs, they hate setting precedent where they can avoid it. Likely they will just show big numbers to the jury "tWo bIlLion lAunDeRed" and show one actual criminal they can prove used coin join and then point at samourai's marketing as clearly they knew they were running a money laundering scheme.
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You'd think they have been prepared for this moment. I guess all will be revealed over the coming years