Bingo was rescued, we found her alone, cold and hungry in the shopping center (that's my daughter's version), we took her home to give her a lot of love, she had a broken leg and she no longer walked and barked, she got a surgery, but there was no remedy. Bingo is a good companion, she likes bows, skirts and dresses, she accompanies my daughter to sleep, trips to the train, to the park, the beach, watching series and movies.
How funny children are with their attachment toys.
My daughter longs with all her heart to have a real puppy. We still cannot grant her the joy of having a real pet, but with the magic of her imagination she gives life to a stuffed animal that has become part of the family. family. Even Bingo made her Christmas letter for Santa Claus to bring her gifts, since she is very flirtatious she asked for a crown with lights, because she is a queen. The most important thing is that she is an unconditional friend, apart from the fun things, she is also present to help when my daughter is scared, sad or sick, even to teach her how to wear a mask when required.
Bingo is amazing