I remember them saying no gatherings in your homes. I told my wife they are not taking my son's birthday party from him. They can arrest me. I'm ready to go. I'm not bending the knee. I told the guy renting the bounce house I would not report him. And you know what? Nothing happened. They use fear to control us.
It sounds silly but I meant it.
A few weeks later the sheriff where I live made a statement that they would not be enforcing these orders but instead would focus on actual crime and violence.
We need to live our lives in peace. Make them drop the mask. Some of us may not make it. So be it. My kid's future is worth it to me. Those kids yet to be born are worth it. What's this all about if it isn't the future of humanity.
You were lucky you got away with it. I remember in my town we had the firetruck come by and honk their horn because kids couldnt have a birthday party. And they actually enforced it. Gottta lead by fear!
Oh I know. I'm pretty sure zero people were fined in our county for this type of thing.
I imagine your town is incorporated and has a mayor. Mine isn't.
Yeah, mine had a mayor and everything. They took it pretty seriously when covid first hit. I remember I had to have a written pass from my company saying that I am allowed to drive and I was an "essential worker".