I dont know if any of you have seen this before, but I thought it was a very interesting sport. To me, it feels very similar to rugby, but even more simple. Please enjoy :)
Interesting, first time I have heard about it. For people who didn't know as well, I briefly translate the explanation below. ""Taking down the bar" is a competition which has its roots from the now defunct navy school, and has been created in Showa 29. One team has 150 people. Divided in a attacking team and a protecting team, the purpose of the attacking team is to make the bar tilt an angle of at least 30 degrees from its original position for 3 seconds. It lasts for 2 minutes. (...)" 棒倒しは、旧海軍兵学校の伝統を受け継ぎ、防大創設以来(昭和29年)行われてきた伝統ある競技会です。1チーム150名で、攻撃と防御に分かれて相手チームの棒を30度以上傾けた方が勝ちとなります。試合時間は2分間であり、時間内に勝負がつかない場合は、棒の傾いた角度による判定で勝敗を決定します。
This is another scrimmage.