Continuing from an earlier post, I want to recommend an artist to everyone. M.C. Escher. When I was quite young, I was exposed to this artist because my father enjoyed his artwork. He enjoyed the realism, and the little impossible objects littered throughout each of his pieces. This first piece is called drawing hands. This second piece is called Relativity. You have probably seen this scene before, they talked about it frequently in the movie Inception. The final piece is called hand with reflective sphere. It shows Escher himself holding the sphere, so it could be said to be a self portrait.
Tell me your thoughts on these pieces, there are actually more out there that are even better than the ones I showed. Have they ever influenced your life?
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Extremely creative artist! I wish you had higher resolution images in the post! Also, that's not Relativity, it's a crop of Ascending and Descending.